I gave it about three minutes of thought and realized, if I want to take this seriously, I should make sure I’ve got an overkill backup systems.
New server, new life, amirite?
I threw together a few cron scripts that do backups like this.

WP+DB being the site you’re on, Unraid being my internal NAS, USB0 + USB1 being two 256gb flash drives.
Absolutely blew my mind when I got two 256gb flash drives for $30 each.
I’ve never been much for affiliate links, but fuck it, here’s one for the same samsung 256 drives I’m using.
I’m mirroring my wordpress volumes to a RAID-1 config of both USB drives, which is mirrored once a day to my unraid server.
My unraid server itself has crucial portions of itself backed up with google drive, dropbox, and an 8tb external too, but now there’s a dir dedicated to wordpress.
I’m satisfied with it.